Mua-i-Matuku Eco-lodge, Burevanua,Nakorotubu,Ra.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

IGP Recepient Viliame Kovea -Burelevu, Saivou,Ra.

The fuel ready for fuel-up business at Burelevu.

IGP Recepient Viliame Kovea- Burelevu Village, Saivou,Ra. along with his fuel business.

IGP programs for Depart Social Welfare

Site visitation at Navua for a recipient for Goat Farm.

Semi with Mr.Hanumanta.Naidu next to the fence of the goat farm.
Fig 3 &4 : The goats that have been present at the fenced area or farm.

Construction of Sandalwood Nursery @ Nasokisoki

Fig 1: Ilikini with Ratu Vili start with the construction on the nursery.

Fig 2: The erected posts for the nursery at the first stage.